The Regular Monthly meeting of Ionic Lodge was held on Friday, May 8th, with The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan, M.W. Bro. John Leyshon in attendance. Bro's Richard Ortiz and Rob Florence were passed to the 2nd Degree. Balloting was conducted on Mr. Mark Miller, Mr. Nicholas Ross and Mr. Conrad Olson. All were favorable and eligible for Membership by initiation.
M.W. Bro. Leyshon spoke at the end of the evening and closed the Lodge, as only the Grand Master can. The Flag presenters and the Degree Team are to be congratulated for a job well done.
Don't forget to get your Steak & Lobster Tickets for June 13, from either M.W. Bro.Don Finan or V.W. Bro. Bernie Meisner.
The Grand Master & his Official Party. From left to right: V.W. Bro. Jim Ramsay, Grand Piper; R.W. Bro. Len Pryer, D.D.G.M. District #7; M.W. Bro. Bill Pizzey, Passed Grand Master(P.G.M)
M.W. Bro. Don Finan, P.G.M; M.W. Bro. John Leyshon, Grand Master; M.W. Bill Fitzsimmons, P.G.M; M.W. Bro. Pat Hutchison, P.G.M; R.W. Bro. Glenn Hunter, D of C; Bro. Brian Anderson, J.D. and Bro. Mark Barclay, S.D., escorted the G.M. into the Lodge.
M.W. Bro. John Leyshon; Bro. Rob Florence; Bro. Richard Ortiz and W.Bro. Rod Munn, Master of Ionic Lodge.