Tuesday, June 17, 2014


This evening we Initiated five (5) Candidates to Masonry & Ionic Lodge. They were: Bro. Julien Concepcion; Bro. Neo Legario; Bro. Mariano Ong; Bro. Marlon Francisco and Bro. James Fudge.  Also shown are, M.W. Bro. Don Finan, V.W. Bro. Bernie Meisner, Master and M.W. Bro. Bill Fitzsimons. Although there were five Candidates, the Floor Work was excellent.  Congratulations to all involved.  Practice pay off!

The Candidates & their Guides.

V.W. Bro. Jim Ramsay was presented with his 50 year Certificate & Pin. 
Bro. Cassidy Williams & Bro. Jude Mislang were presented with their Master Masons Certificates.  Congratulations all.
All the Candidates joined M.W. Bro. Don Finan & M.W. Bro. Bill Fitzsimons at the Alter for the Closing of the Lodge.