Monday, December 12, 2011


The 2012 slate of Officers were installed on Friday, Dec. 9th. Officers are as follows:

M.W.Bro. Pat Hutchison - Master
W.Bro. Al White - S.W.
V.W. Bro. Bernie Meisner - J.W.
Bro. Rod Munn - S.D.
Bro. Gordon Whitton - J.D.
Bro. Dave Dishko - I.G.
W.Bro. Gary Tarr - Chaplain
Bro. Doug Holmberg - S.S.
Bro. Alan Tanchuck - J.S.
V.W. Bro. Gordon Yarde - I.P.M.
V.W. Bro. Chuck Keilback - Organist
V.W. Bro. Peter Hogger - Organist
M.W. Bro. Don Finan - Secretary
Bro. Tony Francescone - Treasurer
V.W. Bro. Glenn Hunter - D of C
V.W. Bro. Richard Gibbons - Tyler

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


V.W.Bro. Gordon, Master of Ionic #31, displays, The Solomon Lodge of Research Award, which was presented to Ionic Lodge at the 2011 Annual Communication.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


The 50th. Anniversary of our Ionic Lodge Building was celebrated on, Saturday Evening, May 14, 2011, with a Steak & Lobster Dinner.

V. W. Bro. Les Guthrie, the only surviving Member of the Building Committee, was the Guest Speaker & gave a brief History of the Building.

Over 100 people were in attendance for a very enjoyable evening. The Lobsters were cooked both inside & outside the Building by W. Bro. Ron Link & V.W. Bro. Bernie Meisner.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


On Friday, May 13, V. W. Bro. Gordon Yarde, and MW. Bro. Don Finan made presentations of $500.00 each to Taylor Raiche & Brandon Horrell to assist them with expenses for an European School Trip in April, 2012.

Taylor also gave a presentation of her experiences at last Summers Masonic Leadership Youth Camp.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Unity/Kilwinning newly Raised Master Masons Terry Baker & Edward Houser, along with Red Coat Members, Bernie Meisner, Don Finan & Pat Hutchison. Also present are Unity/Kilwinning Master W. Bro. Norman Tarasoff & DDGM R. W. Bro. Vern Knowles. Ionic Deg. Team conducted the Third Deg. on Saturday, April 30 in Unity.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Brethren, 50 years ago, The Brethren of Ionic Lodge, laid the cornerstone of our present Building. We intend to celebrate the Anniversary, with a Steak & Lobster Dinner on Saturday, May 14, 2011, at Ionic Lodge. As Lobsters will be brought in from Nova Scotia, we need to know numbers soon. Tickets are now available from, M.W. Bro. Don Finan, V.W. Bro. Glenn Hunter, & V.W. Bro. Bernie Meisner.

Cost is: Steak & Lobster $40.00
Steak $25.00
Lobster $25.00

Space is limited and tickets will go fast, and must be purchased prior to May 7, when the Lobsters will be ordered. Don't be disappointed, get your tickets now.


On April 8, 2011, Bro. Louis Mercier was Raised to the 3rd. Degree. He is a Member of Wascana Lodge. He was Raised by Ionic Lodge at the request of Wascana, as Bro. Mercier is currently residing & working in the Battlefords.

The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Sask., M.W. Bro. Butz was in attendance, along with RW. Bro. Shearer & V.W. Bro. Larry Couse, representing Wascana Lodge.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


M.W. Grand Master, Ernie Butz demenstrates the Lewis Tool.

The Grand Master and Master V.W. Bro. Gordon Yarde with with Bro. Louis Mercier, just passed to the 2nd Degree.

Members in attendance at Lodge on March 11, 2011.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

lodge meeting february 11, 2011

Our Lodge Meeting of Friday, Feb. 11, was very well attended, including 9 Guest:
R.W. Bro. Carl Krause - G.S.W. Grands Lodge of Sask.
R.W. Bro. Vern Knowles - D.D.G.M District 7
V.W. Bro. Mark Cubbon - G.S. Grand Lodge of Sask.
V.W. Bro. Murray Smith- G.S. " " "
R.W. Bro. Don Wallace - Unity-Kilwinning
W.Bro. John Britton- " "
Bro. Louis Mercier - Wascana Lodge, Regina.
Bro. Doug Holmberg - Lodge Greater Taree #66, New South Wales
Bro. Gordon Whitten, Gresbaugh Lodge, Alberta.

Bro's Holmberg & Whitton were successful in passing the Ballot, thus becoming Members of Ionic Lodge # 31.

Our Red Coat Degree Team has been invited to perform a 3rd. Degree for two Members of Unity Lodge on or about April 13, 2011.

The Red Coat Degree Team has also been invited to perform a 3rd. Degree in June of 2012 at Merchantville Lodge # 119, Pennsauken, NJ, USA.

We are in the process of putting a new Team together, with a number of Members already expressing interest in participating. If you have not already signed up, and are interested, please let Don Finan or Bernie Meisner know. A good deal of practice will be required by all team Members. Further info. will be forthcoming.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Burns Night - January 29, 2011

Ionic Lodge #31 Burns Night, Jan. 29, 2011, at the Western Development Museum. V. W. Bro Jim Ramsay Pipped in the Haggis & Address to the Haggis was given by R. W.Bro. Willie Higgins.

Entertainment was supplied by the Prince Albert Highlanders Pipe Band; The Battlefords Highland Dancing Association; Battlefords Blend & The Meota Hobby Band.
The Lodge made a $1000.00 donation to the Highland Dancers to assist with their transportation to Nova Scotia this Summer. They will be participating in the National Highland dance Competition.